Should we live in fear? Many have decided, "Yes."
Some decide to live in such a way they don't want to know a truth. These types refuse to look at research, another opinion, etc. I know what I know and I don't care about the facts. Always be aware, by the way that are many facts and facets to most issues. For example, most of us would say that smaller classes will absolutely enhance a student's learning. Much research supports this. I cannot argue with this.
But is it always true? Nope. Much depends on a student's home influence. A larger class of stuents with strong familial support can handle the learning with the larger group. A classroom with the proper resources can teach larger groups. Much evidence for smaller classes a small advantage. So, there are many caveats. Fear keeps some from seeing other views.
Some religions live in great fear. They are afraid to allow other churches in their countries. They burn others' books. They try to intimidate others thru arson and murder. They sometimes kill their own who convert to another religion. This is religion based on fear. Reason is not effective in these discussions because their "reasons" are not reasonable. They are emotions rising to blind the mind.
Some scientists are so fearful of anything about God that they make up "the elephant ate my homework" explanations of the beautiful order to our universe, "This is just one of many possible universes!" In this case, fear leads to a certain creativity of thought. It is indeed, a wonder to behold.
Fear always draws us into ourselves and exclusive of anything that doesn't look familiar. Let not fear dominate your mind or heart. There is too much beauty out there.
Isn't it also amazing how the news media tries to perpetuate fear in our homes? I cannot help but remember Hurricane Ike, and all the reporters focusing on the negative, when in actuality, most grocery stores were open within a couple days of the storm! The power may have been out, but we were meeting our neighbors. It was bizarre indeed, that the sole interest was the negative, when so much good was happening.